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Overview | CADI
Experience a new level of performance with the CADI® x-ray and image management system.


CADI® is designed first and foremost to balance powerful imaging software with ease-of-use. It fits easily into your workflows to become an indispensable member of your team.

Smooth Installation & Training

Your CADI® certified partner will ensure a smooth installation, configuration, training, as well practice management integration and transfers of your existing image database into CADI®.

POM – Peace of Mind Program

POM is a comprehensive update and support program for CADI® imaging software and CADI® OPTIMUM sensors.

The CADI® team is committed to providing our clients with a current product. With continual changes in the computer world and updates in digital imaging equipment, the POM program includes free updates and new versions of CADI® as they become available.

Sometimes, our clients need help with CADI®. The POM program includes telephone support and remote login to help solve any issues.

Lastly, in case of sensor failure that can’t be repaired, the POM program provides you with low cost replacement sensors.
cadi software